Exclusive | Apple Watch Series 8 Design

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The Apple Watch Series 7 was a disappointment in some ways: the same chip inside, an aging design outside. All of us, Apple included, felt that a redesign was needed. The Apple Watch team has already started working on the new model for 2022 because they certainly don’t want to have the same problems they faced this year – when they had to change everything at the last minute to launch a new watch.
Now that they have started working on it, I have received several images and CAD files from people familiar with the matter of what appears to be the final design of the Apple Watch Series 8 – and I have created a render for you to see without compromising my sources.
Let me warn you: it’s disappointing.
I really hope it’s just some sort of early prototype, but based on the CADs I have seen and the images sent to me, I really doubt it’s just a prototype.
I’m going to show you the only thing that I think has changed about the design.
Yep, that’s it. Apple switches from one long speaker grille to a pair of them. Will that make a significant difference? Probably not; I’m not sure yet.
The color used in the picture is not a leak, but we thought it was cool. Though, I have seen the device in a light green color, similar to the iPad Air.
I know this is bad news for most of you, but I have a few good things to report as well. As you have seen, Apple has decided to keep the current design. And why? Well, the answer is simple. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, this will force Apple to include amazing new features in this next device.
Even for a company like Apple, selling the same thing over and over again won’t work forever. Customers need innovation. That’s why I think the fact that there’s not a redesign this time around is good for us. Apple is now forced to make a watch with many new internal features, sensors, and so on.
Personally, I think it’s too early for a blood sugar sensor. Apple is always striving for perfection, and that usually means waiting a few years after a new technology is released to the public for Apple actually to incorporate it into their devices.
It’s too early to know the inner features of the new Series 8; it’s not even 2022 yet, but make sure to follow both my Twitter account and iDrop News‘ so you do not miss any future updates on the matter.
[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]