Did Tim Cook Just Accidentally Reveal the Existence of the Apple Car?

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Rumors never cease about Apple designing their own automobile. However, with Nissan, Ford, Tesla, and other car companies already saturating the market with electric cars, can Apple have a significant presence in the EV market? Either way, an official announcement for the Apple Car would be unlikely for some time…or is it?
During a recent shareholder’s meeting, Tim Cook created some buzz when he was asked about the Apple Car rumors. Cook said, “Do you remember when you were a kid, and Christmas Eve, it was so exciting, you weren’t sure what was going to be downstairs? Well, it’s going to be Christmas Eve for a while.”
Some might read into that, believing that the Apple car is the real deal while others may feel the rumors are still too vague. After all, it’s entirely possible that there won’t be any type of electric car coming from Apple. That won’t stop fans of the iPhone maker from getting super excited, though it’s doubtful people will be able to line up in front of an Apple store to order the new car.
Oliver Haslam form Redmond Pie seems to think that Cook’s statement is indeed a confirmation. Another article on Redmond Pie suggests that “Project Titan,” the code name for the Apple Car, is being built in Sunnyvale, and that it won’t be ready till at least 2019. Haslam writes, “… a fact that gets all the more interesting when you consider local residents have complained of loud motor-like noises even late at night.” Everyone expects the car to be electric, but Haslam suggests that if it was a hybrid car instead, that might explain the noise residents are hearing.
The older article from Haslam explains The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple gave the word to its car team to move the secret project into “committed project” mode. Apple has been hiring new people to work on its car division over a long period of time. Ford, Tesla, and VW former employees have made the move to Apple. While it is exciting to think that Apple could make a new electric or hybrid car by 2019, it’s very possible the date might change.
Tim Cook might have unofficially confirmed the Apple car’s existence, but building cars is not Apple’s forte, which would explain why the company has been working hard to build a team of experts from the automotive industry. However, this could just be a pipe dream, which means Apple fans should take all of this with a grain of salt. Speculation doesn’t lead to facts and even if the Apple car is real, it could end up being scrapped before it hits the market.
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[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]