New HD Drone Footage Shows Apple Campus 2 Near Completion

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Apple’s Campus 2 has been in the works for some years now. It’s been a painstaking process involving millions of dollars, and tons of dirt, steel, and glass in equal measure. And it is awesome, in the literal sense.
Drone photographer Matthew Roberts has been flying his drone over the construction site once a month to track Apple’s progress. This time around, the aerial footage shows what looks like a vast, ring-shaped spaceship nearing completion and almost ready to take to the stars.
Everything about it is big. The megalith of a campus features a 100,000 square foot fitness center, in case Cupertino’s thousands of employees decide to start working out at once. The main parking structure, which has been roofed over with solar panels, houses 20,000 parking spaces. According to Roberts, tunnels also lead to another underground garage beneath the main ring, which is also shingled with solar panels.
It looks like the bulk of the structural work has been finished, though there’s plenty of landscaping and interior work to be done, evidenced by the empty interiors and the bare earth surrounding the campus buildings. Tim Cook has been suggesting that the new headquarters will be functional in 2017, and that all of the forthcoming launch events will be hosted there.
Even if we don’t get to work there, at least we’ll get to see it when Cook introduces the iPhone 8.