Install These Complications to Take Your Apple Watch to the Next Level

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The Apple Watch comes with a bunch of complications that will help you in your everyday life – from tracking your Activity goals to keeping your Reminders at hand right when you need them. These complications are great, but they don’t cover everything you might want. If you want to boost your productivity, have extra tools when you travel, or just want to play some silly games, then you should try these great third-party complications for the Apple Watch.
If you’re one of the lucky ones who are traveling again, and you plan to go on a trip to a place where you don’t know the language, iTranslate will be very useful to have on your wrist.
The iTranslate app is already amazing, but its Apple Watch complication lets you translate every word on the go. You can write on your Apple Watch, and it’ll translate what you want to say into another language. It’s perfect for traveling, and having it on your Apple Watch makes it easier and even more convenient to use.
ETA: Live Traffic Alert
ETA works as a personal driving assistant, giving you quick access to travel times and driving directions to your destination. In its version for Apple Watch, ETA has a complication that offers you all of this information at a glance. And although you shouldn’t watch your Apple Watch while you drive, it’s still very useful to have when you need some indications. You also use the Time Travel function, which is even better – you can use it to calculate when to leave home to travel when there is less traffic.
Weather – The Weather Channel
The Weather app is an iOS classic, but it also has a version for the Apple Watch. The Weather Channel shows you the weather forecast on your wrist based on your location. It has a complication with which you can place the probability of rain on the face of your watch. It’s straightforward and simple to use. If you don’t like Apple’s Weather app, this is a great alternative.
App in the Air
Another great app for travelers is App in the Air. This app is a personal flight attendant that helps you see your flight information, in real-time, just by lifting your wrist. This way, you can see how long until your flight leaves and the terminal you need to go to, and if there were any changes to your check-in time.
Dataman: Data Usage
If you are concerned about burning through all of your data too soon, Dataman is the application for you since it lets you check the percentage of the data that you have spent at any time. And now, you can use it on your wrist. You can quickly look at your data consumption at a glance from your Apple Watch. You can watch real-time tracking and see an intelligent usage forecast that predicts if you’ll stay within your data cap.
Rules! is a very entertaining memory game, which will come in handy when you have some extra time to kill. The game gives you instructions such as “descending order,” and you have to press series of four squares following these instructions. The challenge is that the instructions accumulate, and you have to remember them in order, a bit in the classic Simon fashion.
The app includes a complication that shows you what level you are at, the score you have, and your goal for the day, and another small complication, which shows an icon of the game’s robot with a circle that will be completed as you get closer to your goal.
If you want to improve your good habits and get rid of the bad ones, you should try Streaks, whether you have an Apple Watch or not. Streaks is an application that helps you make a list of tasks you want to do each day, which will be of great help to build good habits over time.
Whether you want to start doing yoga, walk the dog more often, or read more books in your spare time, you can register up to six different tasks. It even integrates with the Apple Watch and the Health app so you can keep track of any health-related progress you want to make.
The complication on the Apple Watch is as simple as it is helpful. It consists of a series of points: if they are white, they mean that you have completed your task. If they are gray, this means that you still have pending tasks, and they motivate you to finish them. There’s nothing better than having a bit of accountability when creating a new habit, and Streaks will remind you what you need to do every day to accomplish your goals.
Citymapper is a must-have app to commute in an urban environment. Find out how to get from point A to point B, and show all the necessary information to reach your destination. With Citymapper, you’ll be able to plan your routes easily, receive information in real-time about arrivals, departures, service interruptions, and weather – everything you need to find your way around the city. The application works in many cities worldwide, including London, New York, or Mexico City. The Apple Watch includes a complication that tells you what train you can take, when it arrives and where to catch it.
Lifesum: Diet and Macro Diet
If you’re serious about dieting, an app can help you improve your chances of succeeding, and a great option is Lifesum. What’s great about the app is that it can help you lose weight, gain weight, or just maintain it. Lifesum is an app that helps record what you eat and the exercises you do daily. It helps you make better eating decisions and improve your eating habits.
This app isn’t just great for losing weight but also for controlling what you eat and optimize your nutritional intake. The Apple Watch app and complication will let you know if you haven’t had enough to eat today and shows your energy state for the day. If you are “stable” or “too low” and tap on the text, it sends you directly to the app to give you some solid advice that you need to eat or drink something. It might even tell you that you need some exercise depending on the situation.