5 Reasons the iPhone SE Is a Massive Success

Apple's iPhone SE 2nd generation is selling well even during the coronavirus-induced economic slump. And in the company's latest earnings conference call, Apple confirmed that its recently released products have all received outstanding customer response, even during these extreme circumstances. But, it's not surprising that the new iPhone has been so popular. It has a lot going for it. Continue reading to learn five reasons why the iPhone SE is a massive success.
It's a Great Value
At $399, the iPhone SE is a great value, one of the best deals you can find in a smartphone today. When speaking about the iPhone SE, Tim Cook says he expects "a fair number of people" to switch over to iOS because the iPhone SE is an unbelievable offer.
It's Small
The iPhone SE is smaller than the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro but has the same processor. It's ideal for those who want a powerful phone in a small form factor. Tim Cook echoed this point during Apple's recent earnings conference call when he said that "customers are primarily coming from wanting a smaller form factor with the latest technology."
It Takes Fantastic Photos
The iPhone SE 2nd generation may have an older camera module (the same as the one in the iPhone 8), but that's not as big of an issue as you think. Apple's A13 bionic processor powers photo-taking with support for Smart HDR and Portrait Mode shooting.
In most shooting conditions, the photos taking by the iPhone SE are bright and colorful. The only situation in which it falls behind is dark or night conditions. It relies on the flash for light instead of Apple's Night Mode feature that brings dark photos to life. Check out our iPhone SE vs iPhone 11 Pro photo comparison here.
It's Really, Really Fast
Benchmarks confirm that the A13 processor in the iPhone SE 2nd generation is fast, so fast the phone benchmarks faster than the iPhone XR. It's also quicker than most Android phones. According to Tim Cook, the iPhone SE 2nd generation has "the engine of our top phones" and "is faster than the fastest Android phones. It's an exceptional value."
Android Owners Want It
According to Tim Cook, the two groups who are buying the iPhone SE are those who want the latest technology in a small factor, and Android users who are making the switch. Cook waved off the idea that people are downgrading to the iPhone SE from the high-end iPhone 11 series phones.
"I have seen a strong customer response to iPhone SE, which is our most affordable iPhone. But it appears that those customers are primarily coming from wanting a smaller form factor with the latest technology, or coming over for it from Android," said Apple CEO Tim Cook. "So, those are the two principal kinds of segments versus somebody buying down, as you're talking about it."