Preserve and Monitor Your MacBook’s Battery with These Important Tips

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With batteries being such a hot topic for iPhone users, we felt compelled to take a closer look at MacBook batteries, too. They have similar functionality and should be cared for in nearly the same way – but there are a few differences between the two. Let’s dive into what you can do to prolong your MacBook’s battery life, as well as what can be done to monitor your battery’s overall health.
How Long Are MacBook Batteries Good for?
All modern MacBook batteries are good for 1,000 charge cycles. What’s a charge cycle? Each time a battery depletes 100% in totality, that counts as one charge cycle.
MacBook batteries can hold up to 80% of their maximum capacity within 1,000 charge cycles. See how many charge cycles you’ve used by completing the following steps:
- Hold the Option key.
- Click the Apple (?) button in the menu bar.
- Click System Information. Let go of the Option key.
- In the Hardware section, click Power.
- The current cycle count is found in the Battery Information window, as well as additional battery health information.
How to Get Maximum Performance from Your MacBook’s Battery
- Only use the computer in temperatures above 50ºF and below 95º (10º to 35ºC).
- Shut down the computer if you won’t be using it for a long time.
- Keep up-to-date with macOS and third-party software.
- Lower your screen and keyboard’s brightness when possible.
- Set the Energy Saver options in System Preferences to suit your needs.
- Turn off Wi-Fi if you won’t need it for an extended period.
- Disconnect external devices, like hard drives, when they’re not needed.
How to Monitor Your MacBook’s Battery
If not already turned on by default, Apple has a built-in battery status feature that can be activated in System Preferences > Energy Saver > Click Show Battery Status in menu bar.
You’ll then see a battery icon appear on the right-side of your menu bar. Clicking on that will give you a few options.
- The first option to use would be the “Show Percentage” option. Using this will show your current battery life.
- It’ll also show you if any applications are using a significant amount of your battery power. This is a great way to see exactly what is draining your battery in the background, especially if you have a lot of apps open. If Safari or Chrome is draining your battery significantly, consider closing any tabs with data-heavy websites that you’re not using.
Another great way to monitor your battery is an app called Battery Health 2. This app provides a deeper look into your battery. It shows your current charge level, overall battery health, how many charge cycles you’ve used, the time remaining on current charge and so much more.
It even shows your battery’s status in the menu bar just like Apple’s battery status function. The app is free to download, but you can tap into more battery information for $9.99.