11 iTunes (@iTunes)
iTunes was released in 2001 as a way for users to burn CDs and play MP3 files. It was the result of Apple’s acquisition of SoundJam MP in 2000. Nowadays, iTunes is Apple’s main storefront for music, movies, audiobooks, ringtones, TV shows, and podcasts. On macOS it also handles audio and video playback, acts as a media management system, burns and rips CDs, and more.
The official iTunes Twitter account (@iTunes) posts a variety of tweets relating to iTunes content and the entertainment industry. While streaming has become the new standard in digital content consumption, iTunes is still a major authority in entertainment. The iTunes division (which includes Apple Music) reported $8.5 billion in revenue for 2017.
In addition to iTunes, Twitter users can also follow iTunes TV (@iTunesTV) to discover what’s new and trending in TV.