Will These 9 Popular iOS Apps Ever Come to Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo Switch or iPhone/iPad? Why can’t we have both? When the Nintendo Switch first hit the market it seemed fun, but also kind of odd. Why would anyone want to buy a portable, touchscreen game console when our mobile devices are capable of so much?
Now, almost a year later, Switch is on fire and it’s even showing some of us adults what it’s like to be a kid again. Nintendo Switch has proven to be a viable, hybrid console that has games that are great for individuals and families. But there is just one thing it’s missing: Apps. Although Nintendo included a touchscreen on their popular new console, perfect for apps, it’s just not taken advantage of often enough.
Streaming service Hulu brought a non-gaming app to the Switch back in November, and now it’s rumored Netflix may becoming out with their own app. But we need more. Use the right arrow to browse 9 apps that need to come to the Nintendo Switch.