6 Apps Perfect for Self-Improvement

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With the New Year here, a lot of us are focusing on self-improvement and doing what we can to change ourselves for the better. A journey of self-reinvention can be made easier by incorporating apps into your everyday life.
With these apps you can get your mind, body, finances, and personal style where you want. Check out the apps that will help you get a fresh start in 2016.
Get Motivated: Couch to 5K
Getting in shape and staying on an exercise routine takes a lot of motivation. If one of your goals is to run a 5K (or get in shape to where you could run one if you wanted), then you are going to want to download Couch to 5K.
This app helps you build your stamina through a 9-week program of three-times per week 30-minute workouts. This app will help non-runners slowly build up to running a small marathon, which is a huge accomplishment if you don’t run at all. This app will also help you look for different 5K marathons if your area. You can get this motivational fitness app for $2.99 here at the iTunes Store.
Keep your Brain Sharp: Elevate Brain Training
Along with physical health is mental health; you want to make sure your mind feels good along with your body. If you are not as smart as you want to be, then you might want to get the Elevate Brain Training app in your life.
You can use this app to work on your memory, comprehension, math, and writing. Elevate will start by testing you on these categories and then come up with a rating. From there you can begin brain training games. You also have the option to upgrade to the paid version ($4.99) for even more ways to stay alert. You can get this brain training game for free here at the iTunes Store.
Stay Mindful: Headspace
One of the key components in keeping a calm demeanor is staying mindful throughout the day. The act of mindfulness is focusing on the present moment- more specifically your mental and physical state in relation to your surroundings.
Many studies have shown that mindfulness is increasingly one of the best ways to manage stress and keeping a positive well being. With Headspace, you can pick from 10 different meditation sessions and listen to a calming voice guide you through finding inner peace. You also have the option to buy individual meditation sessions from the apps personal library. You can download this app for free here at the iTunes Store.
Get More Sleep: Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
We have said it before and we will say it again: sleep is vital to your health. If you really want to become a better version of yourself this year, you’re going to have to prioritize sleep in your life. This is where Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock could really boost your quality of nightly sleep. This all will use your iPhone’s microphone to listen you sleep- just make sure to keep your iPhone by your bed.
Based on when you set your alarm it will wake you with within a half an hour of your lightest sleep phase. This will help you wake up more calmly instead of being jolted awake. If you set your alarm for 9am your alarm will make sure to pick the lightest sleep cycle at 8:30am. Get your personalized sleep alarm clock here for free at the iTunes Store.
Maintain Your Finances: Acorns
Making sure your finances are healthy is another important aspect to having a well-balanced life. With the Acorns app, your money and financial situation will no longer be an area of stress. You give this app access to your main bank account and every time you buy something for less than a whole dollar amount ($1.75 for example), and it will take the remaining quarter and invest it into a stock portfolio that you choose.
This app will track your investment performances and tell you about your latest round-up amounts, the size of your account, and let you depot and withdraw funds. This is one way that you can save or even make money without even trying. Get this financial app here for free at the iTunes Store.
Get a New Look: Trunk Club
Not everyone loves clothes shopping; in fact it can be downright painful sometimes. That’s where Trunk Club comes in and offers an amazing alternative way to staying fashionable.
This free app and online service will poll you on your clothing preferences, sizes, and where you like to shop. From here you have a personal stylist who will help you pick out clothes and outfits. They will then ship it to you for free and allow you to only pay for what you keep.
You have 10 days to try on and decide or send back the clothes you receive. You’ll never be without clothes with this amazing app! Get it here for free at the iTunes Store.